Thursday, February 9, 2012

I made my bed, G lays in it

Here's a shot of G enjoying Clean Sheet Day like the entitled little goose that she is. She likes to bury her little snout right into the blankets to really take advantage of the fresh from the laundry smell. Ssssnorttttt.

Note the strategic diagonal pose as she stretches and maximizes her body size to take up as much of a queen bed as humanly (caninely?) possible. It always surprises me just how blob-like 45 pounds can be!


  1. She is just too cute - I wanna be comfy like your Goose!

  2. Goose looks so content - and completely immovable. It's also amazing how heavy a 45-lb dog can be when it doesn't want to get into the bathtub.

  3. That's adorable. She's like, 'I dare you to move me'. lol!

  4. I LOVE her!!!! And Zoe does the exact same thing. She also insists on sleeping UNDERNEATH the clean sheets.

  5. I once heard someone say their dog didn't like to be on the dog beds/sheets once they have been cleaned because it doesn't smell like them anymore. I feel like our dogs feel even more entitled and eager to lay on clean sheets!
