Monday, November 5, 2012

G Makes her Concerned Face at Sandy Aftermath

Well, things are slowly getting back to normal on the island of Manhattan. Transit is running, trees and other damage are getting cleaned up and power has been restored for most. We are praying for people in New Jersey and the outer boroughs of the city who were not as fortunate as we were. It was a devastating storm that has put a lot of things in perspective and I just hope that everyone stays safe and can get things back to normal as soon as possible.

This past week, I took G out for several walks to burn some of the energy she built up spending hours on end inside during the height of the storm. G was making a 'concerned' face while I snapped some pictures of her in front of some of the damage in Riverside Park - seems weird the way animals know when things aren't quite right! That being said, a few downed trees are nothing compared to what most are dealing with and we truly, truly know how lucky we were to have no major issues.

A downed tree already being cut up and removed on Thursday afternoon.

A tree snapped in multiple pieces due to high winds near 90th Street.

And on the way to get my wisdom teeth out on Friday (fun), I passed by the precariously dangling crane on 57th/7th. Scary!


  1. That is scary and horrible all the damage. So happy you two came through safe and sound.

  2. Aww, she definitely looks concerned. I'm glad things are getting back to normal.

  3. Whew! Glad you guys are ok. Our pups definitely know when things are not right. Perceptive little buggers :)
